To emerge as a distinguished teaching and research institute recognized around the country through innovative education, creation and application of knowledge and community engagement.
To provide our students with globally adaptable higher education characterized by academic excellence in a range of subjects related to the present and future social needs.
To provide our students with the necessary lessons on moral values, ethics, self-respect, and patriotism.
To create such an environment where our students can prepare themselves for pursuing their academic, personal, and career goals.
To fulfill the vision, mission and objectives the college provides classes to the student of all department as prescribed by National University (NU). The college also takes various exam like class test, in-course exam and test exam to evaluate the knowledge of students. The students get informed about the various problems of society and state from the lecture of teachers. The teachers motivate students about value, ethics, patriotism and social responsibility through their lecture. The students also have opportunities to join different type of extra-curricular activities i.e., BNCC, Rover, Red Cresent, annual sports, annual cultural program and so on.